Babylon.js English

Full BabylonJS Game Dev (2D, 3D, Online with ColyseusJS)


Welcome to my Babylon JS course, where you will learn everything you need to know about creating 2D and 3D web games, including solo and local multiplayer development, using TypeScript and BabylonJS for graphics and game features, and ColyseusJS for the online multiplayer part.

The course is divided into three main parts.

In the first part, we will provide a quick theoretical overview of BabylonJS as a 3D web engine. This will include its features, capabilities, and limitations. You will have a presentation of the main classes and components of this framework.

In the second part, we will put our newfound skills to the test by creating a 2.5D game called 'Hide&Seek'. This game will feature mobile-responsive design principles and a local multiplayer approach, allowing players to cooperate together to win. You'll have tips and coding practices to create 2D and 2.5D games, with a proper architecture and satisfying graphics.

In the final part of the course, we will explore the world of 3D online multiplayer game dev by creating a first person shooter game called 'Pandas Love You'. Using ColyseusJS to handle the online multiplayer part, we will use the BabylonJS Editor to create an environment and discover coding practices using this specific tool.

It is important to note that this course does not cover topics such as :

  • Deep performance optimization

  • Marketing

  • Communication strategy

  • Graphic asset creation

  • Sound asset creation

However, you will understand and learn the essential skills to create high-quality games  from a coding perspective and how to find appropriate asset resources.

Lastly, I want to emphasize that all the assets used in the projects are free to be used, as long as the creators are cited and all conditions of their respective license are filled. I really want to encourage the use of free resources and the support of talented creators in the game development community.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced game developer, this course is designed to help you master the art of creating web games using BabylonJS and ColyseusJS. By the end of the course, you will have the skills and knowledge you need to take your game development career to the next level.

So, let's get started!

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